A question ? Information about ? We are here to answer them. At Rimanima, complete customer satisfaction is our top priority. Check out our list of our most frequently asked questions to get the answers you're looking for. Contact us if you have any further questions!

When will I receive my package?

Once your order is placed, you can't wait to receive it... and that's normal!

At Rimanima, we ensure that your precious purchase ships within 3 to 5 working days. We ship your packages via Colissimo, Chronopost, Parcel Privé or Mondial Relay, which ensure delivery in 1 to 6 working days.

Once the package is in their hands, we are not responsible for any potential additional delays. You will be able to track your package via the tracking number once the carrier has picked it up.

What are the payment options available ?

We accept payments by credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) as well as payments by PayPal and Apple Pay.

Do you offer any discounts or special promotions?

Yes, we regularly offer discounts and special promotions. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest offers and news from Rimanima.

What is your return policy ?

You don't like an item once it arrives at your home? No problem, just contact us via the returns form providing us with the order number.

Please note that you can make a return up to 30 days after receipt of your purchase. The product must be returned in its original condition, unpacked, unused in the case of items with sealed packaging!

How to contact customer service?

You can contact us using the contact form available on our website or at rimanimaoff@gmail.com. We strive to respond promptly to all customer inquiries and concerns.

Our after-sales service is 100% French!

Can not find the answer to your question ? Do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form, we will be happy to respond as soon as possible!